Posted on 8/30/2021
Unfortunately, not all cars are protected with a protective, transparent layer. If your vehicle does not have this coating, you may find it challenging to maintain a shiny exterior over time. However, if you wax your car regularly, you'll have no problem keeping your vehicle looking new. Besides aesthetic motives, what are the other benefits of waxing your car? #1: Protects Against Scratches The chemical makeup of wax includes petroleum distillates, natural oils, and other ingredients that harden the resin on the paint. With the extra layer of protection, you'll be less likely to get scratches on your vehicle. #2: Protects Against Paint Chips Wax can quickly help camouflage any pre-existing flaws. Though the wax can't guarantee that all scratches disappear entirely, it can fill in shallow scratches and make them blend. #3: Easier to Wash Most people overlook this benefit, but wax makes your car easier to clean. The wax makes externa ... read more
Posted on 7/29/2021
Constant auto maintenance can help you discover minor issues before they turn into extensive and costly problems — and one familiar annoyance we run into is filthy and contaminated oil! You'd be surprised to know that dirty engine oil isn't always a horrible sign. Find out what causes engine oil to get dirty, what's expected, and what's not. Common Causes of Dirty Engine Oil Over time, your oil filter can accumulate dirt, debris, and gunk. All that gunk can cause your engine oil to become polluted. The collection is standard, but you should swap out the oil and oil filter once the oil becomes dirty. Dirty oil can harm your car by damaging engine components, decreasing fuel efficiency, or even causing a breakdown. Some other common causes of dirty oil include too long delays between oil changes, normal engine wear and tear, and going without an oil filter change. What To Look For When Inspecting Your Engine Oil An expert auto technici ... read more