Posted on 4/27/2022

After a season of harsh weather, cold temperatures and driving through snow and road salt, it's time to give your car some care. As you go about your spring cleaning activities, don't forget you also need to get your car ready for the warm season. Here are some simple car care tips to keep your vehicle in good shape for spring. 1. Check Your Car Battery The low temperature might have given your car battery a beating. Spring is the right time to have the battery tested and replaced if necessary. Also, make sure the connections are strong and free of corrosion. 2. Change your Car Oil and Filters Regular oil and filter changes keep the engine healthy. Oil naturally picks up impurities as it lubricates and cools the engine, but it becomes less effective if not replaced after long use. Failure to change engine oil and filter can lead to poor engine performance and higher fuel consumption. Also, if it gets too old, it can decrease the life of your engine or cause severe en ... read more